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Quelle: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/174
Botschaftsjournal: A4a/1917/1864
Erste Internetveröffentlichung: 2003 April
Edition: Genozid 1915/16
Zustand: A
Letzte Änderung: 03/23/2012

Der Schatzmeister des American Board of Commmissioners for Foreign Missions in Konstantinopel (Luther R. Fowle) an die Botschaft Konstantinopel


June 28, 1917.
Memorandum Re Relief

a. Under date of June 20, 1917, the Greek Metropolitan of Aleppo asks for money to help 1700 deportet Greeks.

The only answer possible at the present time is that our Relief Funds are exhausted, and we can do nothing to meet the great need set forth in this appeal.

b. An undated memorandum sets forth the request of the Syrian Bishop Gabriel of Mardin, and the Chaldean Patriarch of the same city, asking funds for the support of about 1000 children in that city.

In response, I am forced again to state that until we have further funds, it will not be possible for us to grant any help to this work. I would be very glad if in writing to Mardin, Miss Dewy of our Mission could also be told that our funds are exhausted, and that we can give her further funds for Relief only in case we are successful in getting such funds from abroad.

c. A memorandum dated June 15th. states that Miss Paula Schaeffer has incurred obligations to the extent of Lt. 493. for the support of Orphans at Entilli, and that Mr. Peet had promised to furnish funds for this work. She asks that about Ltq. 1000. be sent to her for this work, to clear up the debt of the past, and to carry on the work in the future.

In response, I would state that I have no information whatever about Mr. P’s obligations in this matter, and that I would like to know the date of his letter in which he incurs insures this obligation.

As to the future, I must herewith cancel any such obligation, Mr. Peet being no longer here, our Relief funds being exhausted. I know that funds were occasionally sent to Miss Schaeffer – in fact, I sent her Ltq. 100. to Adana on June 5 (the sum of Ltq. 100.) through the Deutsche Orientbank. I hope that she has applied this Ltq. 100. to the Entilli account.

We are waiting forward of further funds from America to carry on the various works of Relief till now supported by us, and administered by German or American missionaries. In case such funds come, I shall hope to render some help to Miss Schaeffer, but this is only a future possibility. As for the debt of Lt. 493. already incurred, I shall hope in the future to help in meeting this sum, less the Lt. 100. sent on June 5th. But this depends on our reception of further funds. I feel sure, however, that this Office or Mr. Peet, will certainly meet any obligations that have been incurred.

[Botschaft Konstantinopel an Auswärtiges Amt (No. 779) 29.6.]

Mit Bezug auf Bericht vom 15. Juni No. 235.

Das Amerikanische Bibelhaus hat da seine Mittel erschöpft sind die Geldüberweisungen nach dem Innern eingestellt. Gerade in den letzten Tagen sind durch das Konsulat Aleppo dringende Gesuche um Unterstützung aus den Amerikanischen Hilfsgeldern bei der Kais. Botschaft eingegangen. Ich darf daher tunlichste Beschleunigung der Angelegenheit anheimstellen.

[Auswärtiges Amt an Botschaft Konstantinopel (No. 849) 4.8.]

Antwort auf Telegr. Nr. 779.

Leopold Favre in Genf hat dem Kaiserlichen Gesandten in Bern 100000 Francs mit der Bitte ausgehändigt, den Gegenwert in Constantinopel an Mr. Fowle zu zahlen und ihm dabei folgendes mitzuteilen: „In repleteance with Peet, Favre sends hundred thousand francs for relief fund in the interior. Leopold Favre.“

Euer Hochgeboren sind ermächtigt Fowle 6987,5 (sechtausendneunhundertsiebenundachtzig ½) türkische Pfund auszuzahlen. Bitte Betrag in Abrechnung aufzunehmen und Quittung Fowles besonders einzureichen.

[Botschaft Konstantinopel an Reichskanzler (No. 412) 10.8.]

Unter Bezugnahme auf anderweitige Weisung.

Fowle hat heute 6987 Türkpfund 50 Piaster gezahlt erhalten. Quittung anliegend. Ausgabe wird in Abrechnung II/1917 nachgewiesen.

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