
Source: DE/PA-AA/Embassy Constantinople/Vol. 170.           
Publication: DuA Doc. 165 (rev. abbr.)      
Translator: Vera Draack

From the Consul in Adana (Büge) to the Embassy in Constantinople
No. 22
Adana, 10 September 1915
Answer to Tel. No. 37.
The notification dated 29 [31.] August concerning the Armenians and given to the Imperial Embassy from the Porte is merely an audacious deception of the embassy, because, at the instigation of Inspector Ali Munif Bey, who was sent here, the Porte later completely revoked this order. The authorities, of course, are only carrying out the second instruction and continuing with the deportation without considering denomination or creed. The number of Armenians ordered to be murdered probably already exceeds the amount of victims in the Young Turkish Massacre of 1909. It is possible that the non-German press will investigate these atrocities more closely despite previous denials given by the Turkish consuls.
I would like to mention that the local committee leader, Ismail Safa, threatened general massacres if the Armenians were not deported.

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