
Source: DE/PA-AA/R14086.
Publication: DuA Doc. 072. (rev. abbr.)
Translator: Linda Struck

From the Ambassador in Constantinople (Wangenheim) to the Foreign Office

No. 1268
Pera, 31 May 1915
In order to curb Armenian espionage and to prevent new Armenian mass uprisings, Enver Pasha, by putting the state of war (or emergency) forward as a pretext, intends to close a large number of Armenian schools, to suppress Armenian newspapers, to prohibit Armenian postal correspondence and to resettle in Mesopotamia all those families from the recently insurgent Armenian centres who are considered to be not quite unobjectionable. He urgently requests us not to hinder him in doing so.
Of course, the Turkish measures will again cause great excitement in the whole of the enemy world and will be used against us. The United States, in particular, will be affected in its many Armenian schools. Also the measures will certainly mean great hardship for the Armenian population. But I am of the opinion that we should moderate the measures in their form, but not basically hinder them. Those subversive activities of the Armenians, which are supported by Russia have taken on such dimensions that they are menacing to the existence of Turkey.
Please inform Professor Lepsius and other German Armenian committees correspondingly and make it clear to them that, unfortunately, the measures mentioned are unavoidable in view of Turkey’s political and military position.
I have informed the Consulates in Erzerum, Mossul, Adana, Aleppo and Baghdad in confidence.

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