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Source: DE/PA-AA/R14097
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Embassy/consular serial number:
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/23/2012

From the Legation Councillor in the German Foreign Office, Goeppert, to the Director of the German Christian Charity-Organisation for the Orient, Friedrich Schuchardt


Berlin, 10 August 1917

Dear Director Schuchardt,

As I am sure you know, the propaganda concerning Armenian atrocities that was spread by our enemies for egotistic political purposes has died down somewhat in the recent past. Should this propaganda once again be used against us, our Minister in Bern would greatly appreciate being in a position to immediately publish comments in the form of letters or articles by Swiss citizens or other foreigners involved in Swiss relief aid for Armenians, which express the helpfulness and warm sympathy of German public officials and other Germans towards the suffering Armenians without going into detail on the atrocities themselves. Our opponents should be fairly powerless against such comments. Recently I discussed this matter with Director Axenfeld, who kindly agreed to supply me with suitable material concerning this matter that is available to him. If I am not mistaken, the "Charity-Organisation" also has Swiss and other neutral citizens among its employees, and I would be especially grateful if you, too, could provide us with any material you may have that is suitable for this purpose. You especially are well aware of what was done locally by Germans – both officially and privately – to assist the unfortunate Armenians; in this connection I need only mention Dr. Roessler's name.

With my deepest respect and best wishes, I remain,

Yours sincerely,


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