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Source: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/174
Embassy register: A53a/1917/0947
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Embassy/consular serial number: No. 206
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/23/2012

From the Ambassador in Extraordinary Mission in Constantinople (Kuehlmann) to the
Reichskanzler (Bethmann Hollweg)


Pera, 28 March 1917
With regard to the edict dated 23rd inst. AN No. 23.

The Armenian persecutions in Turkey are a fact which cannot be denied. Too many non-Turks – members of allied and neutral countries – were eyewitnesses of the policy of extinction carried out against the Armenians; too many blunt descriptions from the pens of irreproachable observers have found their way abroad. The best solution for us and our Turkish allies could thus be seen in the Turkish atrocities against Armenians, hounded to death more and more as material for agitation, as well as the supposed German atrocities in Belgium gradually losing their appeal to foreign countries. There is now a certain chance for this because, as I had the honour of emphasising in my report, the Turkish government appears to be determined to direct its Armenian policy to more sensible paths and thus, hopefully, in future no new eye-catching material will be added to the old and extremely well-used reports on atrocities.

The dying process of the appeal of Armenian suffering in Turkey would be destroyed if a counter-campaign were to be instituted against Russia because of the persecutions against Armenians there. In addition, we would also, unfortunately, be harmed in the battle of defamatory writing against each other that would then break out, because even if we made the best possible use of the material that is certain to incriminate the Russians heavily in their treatment of the Armenians we could not hope to compete successfully against that which the opponents of Turkey's Armenian policy come up with.

Therefore, I would like to refrain from suggesting any action for propaganda of the kind in question to the local government.


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