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Quelle: DE/PA-AA/R14096
Zentraljournal: 1917-A-16787
Erste Internetveröffentlichung: 2003 April
Edition: Genozid 1915/16
Praesentatsdatum: 06/17/1917
Zustand: A
Letzte Änderung: 03/23/2012


Armenian Relief to be continued
Diplomatic Break With Turkey Will Not Interrupt Mission Work

Boston, April 29. American Relief work for Armenians and Syrians in Turkey will continue, notwithstanding the severance of diplomatic relations, according to Dr. James L. Barton, secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission. “We think there will be funds in Turkey to carry on the relief work for some weeks,” he said tonight. The American Committee for Armenian and Syrian relief has sent to Constantinople from the beginning of the war more than $1300000. Of this $375000 had gone since the break with Germany, and nearly $700000 has been sent since the middle of December.
“For the present,” adds Dr. Barton “it is impossible to communicate by letter with the missionaries in Turkey, but we do not expect that this condition of isolation will be long continued. A recent despatch to the State Department from Ambassador Elkus reveals the fact that the great majority of the Turkish Cabinet were not in favour of breaking with the United States. Enver Pasha, the Minister of War, was the only outstanding opponent of maintaining friendly relations. A communication was sent to all of the Turkish governors of the interior directing them to afford every protection to Americans and American interests.

“If it were not for the fact that the Germans control the army and navy, and evidently Enver Pasha, we would not expect any trouble with our American missionaries and their work, even if the United States should be at war with Turkey.

“There are many indications that the great mass of the Turks have become heartily tired of their German alliance, and that the only hold the Germans have over the situation is that which is backed by the army and one or two leaders in Constantinople. It would not surprise us at any time to know that Turkey is suing for a separate peace.”

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