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Quelle: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/168
Erste Internetveröffentlichung: 2000 März
Edition: Genozid 1915/16
Zustand: A
Letzte Änderung: 03/23/2012

Der Schatzmeister des American Board of Commmissioners for Foreign Missions in Konstantinopel (William W. Peet) an den deutschen Generalkonsul in der Botschaft Konstantinopel (Mordtmann)


Constantinople 26th May 1915.

Dear Sir:

Referring to your kind offer this morning to inform our people in Erzroom of my despatch of funds for relief of the poor and needy, I find on consulting late communications from our people in Erzroom, that they are able to secure local money for payment here. I have therefore telegraphed our Dr. Case to draw on me for Lt. 250.00 of which Lt. 150.00 is for relief purposes. I enclose herewith a copy of the telegram which I am despatching today.

If you will kindly confirm this telegram through your Consul it will be deeply appreciated by us all.

Thanking you for your kindness in this matter, I am, Sir,

Yours faithfully, W. W. Peet


Our wire to Erzroom sent this day reads as follows:

Draw for relief of poor and needy hundredfifty Liras, for Station expenses hundred Liras.

[Notiz Mordtmann 29. 5.]

Herr Peet ermächtigt dortige amerikanische Mission, zweihundertfünfzig türkische Pfunde auf ihn zu ziehen wovon hundertfünfzig für Unterstützung Notleidender und hundert für die Station.

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