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Quelle: DE/PA-AA/R 20084
Zentraljournal: 1916-A-18817
Erste Internetveröffentlichung: 2017 Juni
Edition: Die deutsche Orient-Politik 1915.06-1916.12
Praesentatsdatum: 07/16/1916 p.m.
Zustand: A
Letzte Änderung: 11/19/2017

Nachrichtendienst für den Orient

Britischer Zeitungs-Kommentar
The Near East

A feature of the air-raids now being carried out from Egypt is their gradually widening range. El Arish, a hundred miles from the British aerodrome, has been attacked with no little success, although three out of the eleven machines which took part in the operation were lost, and one pilote was captured by the enemy. A Turc-German aerodrome hat been located at El Arish, and was the objective of the raid. If two out of ten hangars were destroyed and four others hit with bombs the British air-men have every reason to be satisfied with their day’s work. The size of the aerodrome points to the enemy’s strength in this arm, and will account for the persistence with which he has tried to attack the town of Port Said. It is significant of the confidence felt by the Egyptians that they have been left quite unperturbed by the falls of Kut and by another mishap, on a much smaller scale, indeed, but nearer home, the Katia incident. The continual bombing of Port Said, however, even though comparatively little damage has been done to life or property, had given rise to considerable comment, and the people of Egypt feel as the inhabitants of London did in similar circumstances, that they are entitled as least to greater, if not complete, immunity. As the best protection is afforded by the destruction of the enemy’s aerodromes, it is to be hoped that the policy of the El Arish raid will be continually repeated. At the same time the achievements of British airmen in this region suggest a means of interrupting communications on the Hejaz Railway before Turkish troops can be send in any large number to deal with the Arab revolt.

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