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Quelle: DE/PA-AA/R 14080
Zentraljournal: 1913-A-15389
Erste Internetveröffentlichung: 2017 November
Edition: Armenische Reformen
Praesentatsdatum: 07/29/1913 a.m.
Laufende Botschafts/Konsulats-Nummer: Nr. 437
Zustand: A
Letzte Änderung: 11/19/2017

Der Botschafter in London (Lichnowsky) an den Reichskanzler (Bethmann Hollweg)


London, den 26. Juli 1913

Euerer Exzellenz beehre ich mich, ein mir soeben von Sir Erward Grey übersandtes Memorandum betreffend Stellungnahme der englischen Regierung in der Frage der Einführung von Reformen in der asiatischen Türkei anbei einzureichen.




His Majesty's Government have impressed on the Russian Government that, for reforms in Turkey to prove successful, two conditions are essential:

1) that there should be unanimity among the Powers, and

2) that their scheme shall be accepted without coercion by the Ottoman Government.

Sir E. Grey has advocated that the Ambassadors of the six Powers at Constantinople should discuss both schemes of reforms namely the general scheme proposed by the Ottoman Government and the scheme for the Armenian Vilayets proposed by Russia. The most urgent consideration is the introduction of reforms in the Armenian provinces and it can be admitted that it would be impossible to elaborate a perfectly uniform scheme for all the provinces.

His Majesty's Government have expressed to the Russian Government their hope that it may be possible to react on the above lines the agreement necessary in order to begin the discussion of the question by the Ambassadors.

Foreign Office, July 24th 1913.

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