
Source: DE/PA-AA/R14104.
Publication: DuA doc. 433 ( rev. abbr)
Translator: Vera Draack

From the Secretary of State of the Foreign Office (Hintze) to the Head of the German Delegation in the Caucasus (Kress)
No. 89

Berlin, 24 August 1918

Response to Telegram No. 73[1] and Report No. 353.

Your Excellency’s trip to Erivan and your appearance there have my full approval. In addition, I can only approve your having stayed away from the opening of parliament. Unfortunately, it appears to be doubtful if we will be in any position at all to effectively assist the Armenians, since neither the very serious presentation given by the Imperial Ambassador nor the forceful steps taken by the Supreme War Command have moved Turkey to clear the Armenian area and to approve the return of the refugees. Further action on our part is dependent on the general political and military situation. In the meantime, we must avoid raising the Armenians’ further hopes, which we may be forced to dash.


[1] A 34704.

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