
Source: DE/PA-AA/R14104.           
Publication: DuA doc. 430 (rev.)
Translator: Vera Draack

From the Secretary of State of the Foreign Office (Hintze) to the Head of the German Delegation in the Caucasus (Kress)

No. 81

Berlin, 20 August 1918

Despite our full appreciation of the political importance that an improvement in the situation of the Armenians has for us and for Turkey, and despite all heartfelt sympathy for their suffering, out of consideration for Turkey we must exercise a certain restraint towards the Armenians’ wishes. Detailed information will follow.

We would, of course, have a free hand for purely humanitarian measures. In this respect, local friends of the Armenians suggest that the same amount of grain be delivered to the government in Erivan as to the Georgian government. It is extremely [still] doubtful whether it would be possible to have a determining influence on the Wartime Office for Nutrition to deliver grain to Armenia. Before undertaking an attempt in this direction, I request Your Excellency to comment on whether it appears to you to be feasible to provide Armenia with grain via Georgia, even though we are only able to give the Georgians a smaller amount than was first promised to them. Report by telegram.


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