
Source: DE/PA-AA/R14085.
Publication: DuA Doc. 020 (abbr.)

From the Ambassador in Constantinople (Wangenheim) to the Reichskanzler (Bethmann Hollweg)

No. 191
Pera, 26 March 1915
On the 12th of this month the Imperial consul in Aleppo reported of an uprising, which took place in Zeitun, a well-known Armenian flash-point from times past, but whose scope presently remains unknown.
Even though the Vali warned of it, the military commander did not leave troops there. When asked about it, the consul in Adana responded saying that it cannot be a question of an uprising of the Armenians but that in all likelihood it involved isolated express in reaction to recruitment procedures. The local Armenian Patriarch agrees and adds that the government some times ago had taken away all weapons from the inhabitants.
Here is yesterdays telegram from Consul Rössler:
“In Zeitun some Armenian deserters, who were to be arrested, shot a couple of Turkish gendarmes; the Islamic population of Marasch clearly was going to use this incident as a reason to start with a massacre but remained calm since the set-up of a court-martial was announced. A German mission brother from Marasch was sent to Zeitun as mediator. If the inhabitants do not hand over the ring leaders, military intervention will be used. In this case it might be difficult to keep in check the lower classes of the Islamic population of Marasch. Asking for strict orders to prevent excesses. Armenian population of Marasch is entirely peaceable. The strike against Zeitun should be swift and overwhelming to avoid the spreading of the insurrection. The mission, with eight Sisters living there, sent one of them to ask me to come to the help of the Germans in Marasch. Asking for permission to leave. Trip there alone takes 3 days. Reply by wire.”
I arranged for the imperial consul to start the trip to Marasch as long as he arranges for a suitable replacement in Aleppo and informs the consul representative in Alexandrette about his temporary absence.

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