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Source: GB/FO 424/219 /page 110
Edition: Adana 1909
Embassy/consular serial number:
Last updated: 03/23/2012

Vice-Consul Doughty-Wylie to Sir G. Lowther.


Inclosure 4 in No. 96.
Adana, May 3, 1909.


AS soon as I closed my last letter, I received a visit from the General Mahemet Ali Bey and his staff officer. The General, who has now twenty-one battalions under his command, had come to tell me among other things that he was going to remove the sarik, or white hat-band round the fez that all Moslems put on for the massacre and are still wearing. He also told me that he was sending a battalion of troops out to-morrow to cut some of the harvest. This is highly necessary work, and I am very glad he is taking it in hand.

Certain matters of discipline among his troops, which had been brought to his notice in our hospital, were mentioned; he said he was most anxious to discover the perpetrators of such crimes and to punish them severely.

I judge him to be an honest, capable, and hardworking officer. His weakness being, like all other Turks, he puts down the massacre solely to the Armenian revolutionists, and even declares that they burnt their own houses in order to claim compensation.

The Russian Consul, and the Commander of the Russian ship which arrived yesterday, also called upon me. They had been to see the Vali.

In the German factory there are 5,000 people being fed. The Captain of the German ship is sending up food for these people, but by some stupid misunderstanding, not of his or Mr. Stockels making, there has been four days delay, Mr. Stockel is a member of the Central Relief Committee, and will, of course, work with us according to his require­ments. He is entirely of opinion one Central Committee is a necessity which will be able to feed local Sub-Committees and Heads of Communities.

The total number of people fed to-day at Yeni Mahalla was 12,600.

I inclose herewith, a report from Mr. Herbert Gibbons for your perusal, [not printed] and I shall be glad if you will return same at your convenience.

I have, &c.
(Signed) C. H. M. DOUGHTY-WYLIE.

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