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Source: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/171
Embassy register: A53a/1915/6381
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Departure of telegram: 11/04/1915 07:00 AM
Arrival of telegram: 11/06/1915 10:45 AM
Embassy/consular serial number: No. 60
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/23/2012

From the Vice-Consul in Mosul (Holstein) to the Embassy in Constantinople

Telegraphic Report

No. 60
Mosul, 4 November 1915

As I have heard, Baron v. d. Goltz has given the 4th Army orders to send troops to Midiat to suppress the rebellion. I would like to point out that it would not fit the facts, should the Christians (Syrians and, to a small extent, Armenians), who have entrenched themselves between Midiat and Mardin (near Azik) and against whom the aforementioned troops were to proceed, be addressed and treated as rebels. Rather, these are Christians who were able to flee from the massacres and who are now defending their lives instead of being slaughtered like mutton. It can be assumed that after the Turkish troops have stormed Azik, none of the Christians there will be left alive. On the other hand, the matter could still be brought to an unbloody end if negotiations were carried out with the besieged and they were granted withdrawal and settlement in Mesopotamia in exchange for giving up their weapons. As, based on previous experience, the Christians no longer place any trust in the Turkish government’s word, it would be necessary to have a German officer or consulate official attend the negotiations. I suggest Mr. von Scheubner-Richter, whose troops are also to be sent out against Azik. Thus, he cannot proceed before this matter has been settled. I myself would also be prepared to go to Azik. The local Syrian bishop should also attend the negotiations with the besieged. The local Vali, who is of my opinion, would also be prepared to accompany us. He has filed no petitions in this matter with his ministry, because this could be interpreted as his plotting against the Vali of Diyarbekir. Should the matter be handled in the manner suggested, I believe that I can guarantee a quick and satisfactory conclusion. I respectfully submit that Field Marshal Baron v. d. Goltz be informed of the aforementioned.


[Notes by the Military Attaché at the Embassy Constantinople (Lossow), 6 November]

Field Marshal Goltz made the following statement to me today:

1.) The Turkish Supreme Army Command gave orders to the 4th Army (Djemal Pasha) quite a while ago to reinstate law and order in the area between Mardin and Midiad. This order was not carried out, because the 4th Army’s troops were too far away.

2.) In the meantime, the matter has been passed on to Field Marshal Goltz. In order not to stop the troops of the 51st and 52nd Divisions, which are to move to Baghdad as quickly as possible, he gave orders to a detachment of the 3rd Army under Colonel Nadschi Bey, who is probably on the way to the eastern Caucasus (parallel operation to Scheubner-Richter), to put things in order. Nadschi Bey reports that the rebels have entrenched themselves in an inaccessible place in the mountains.

Both Field Marshal Goltz and I personally know Nadschi Bey to be a thoroughly civilised officer, very sensible, who was in Germany for a long time and speaks fluent German. Field Marshal Goltz does not know the exact position of Nadschi Bey’s detachment. Field Marshal Goltz is very much in agreement with the German Consul in Mosul as well as the Vali there going to Nadschi Bey to deal with the matter in the manner suggested by the Consul. Nadschi Bey will be informed accordingly.

Orders have already been sent to Scheubner-Richter today whereby Field Marshal Goltz does not wish a German officer to become involved in these matters.

Thus, a telegram should be sent accordingly from the Embassy to the Consul. Finally, Field Marshal Goltz requests a transcript of the instructions sent to the consuls as to the position they should take in the Armenian question and what exactly the German Foreign Office’s and the Embassy’s position is in this question. [This question is treated in the instructions to the consulates, which can be found as an enclosure to Document 1915-11-12-DE-013.]

v. Lossow

[From the Embassy Constantinople to the Consulate in Mosul (Tel. No. 71), 7 November]

Answer to Tel. No. 60.

Field Marshal Baron v. d. Goltz made the following statement to the military attaché: [The square brackets include a shortened version of points 1.) and 2.) of Lossow’s notes.]

[1.) The Turkish Supreme Army Command gave orders to the 4th Army (Djemal Pasha) quite a while ago to reinstate law and order in the area between Mardin and Midiad. This order was not carried out, because the 4th Army’s troops were too far away.

2.) In the meantime, the Field Marshal gave orders to a detachment of the 3rd Army under Colonel Nadschi Bey to put things in order. Nadschi Bey reports that the rebels have entrenched themselves in an inaccessible place in the mountains.]

Nadschi is a very sensible officer who speaks German well; Baron v. d. Goltz [The round brackets include the following part of Lossow’s notes.] (is very much in agreement with the German Consul in Mosul as well as the Vali there going to Nadschi Bey to deal with the matter in the manner suggested by the Consul. Nadschi Bey will be informed accordingly.). I leave further actions as to making contact with Vali and Nadschi Bey, possibly with the participation of the Syrian bishop, to Your Excellency’s discretion. Telegraphic report.

[From the Embassy Constantinople to the Consulate Mosul (No. 72), 8 November]

In response to Tel. Nr. 60 and subsequent to No. 71.

I have agreed that Nadji Bey’s detachment moves out to protect Mohammedan inhabitants, but have not dispatched orders concerning Scheubner’s troop. Djemal Pasha is in command of the 4th Army and, upon orders from Supreme Headquarters, has sent a heavier detachment of mixed weapons to the area around Midiat. I have informed Supreme Headquarters. Scheubner-Richter’s interference in Midiat is improper.


Additional remark by the military attaché:

1.) I have heard that Detachment Leader Nadji Bey is not identical with the Colonel of the same name, whom Field Marshal Goltz and I know personally.

2.) According to information from Supreme Headquarters, it will give orders to the Detachment Leaders located near Midiat to settle the matter amicably in connection with the Vali, if possible.

Lossow. No. 78.

[From Vice-Consul Holstein to the Embassy Constantinople (No. 63), 10 November]

Urgent answer to Tel. 71.

Vali now definitely declines my participation in dealing with the matter in question, because he considers it to be incompatible with his prestige that I, in my capacity as consul, am involved in the implementation of measures which concern “purely internal” matters of the Turkish government. I put down Vali’s new attitude to the influence of Chalil Bey and his people. Meanwhile, the Vali is still prepared to carry out the matter in the suggested manner together with Nadschi Bey and the local clergy taken into consideration (without me), and is sure he will be successful. He leaves it to Field Marshal Baron v.d. Goltz’s discretion to obtain corresponding instructions from the Minister of the Interior to him (Vali), but requests that no mention is made of the exchange of views which took place between the Consulate and the Embassy in this matter.

In the meantime, the Vali from Diyarbekir has been summoned to Constantinople; this makes it easier to entrust the local Vali with the implementation of the matter in question.

[From the Embassy Constantinople to the Consulate Mosul (No. 76), 12 November]

With ref. to Tel. No. 63 from 9 November.
Minister of War wishes peaceful settlement with the rebels near Hazik in return for their immediately laying down their weapons, but he refuses the participation of German officers and public officials. 4th Army and Vali of Diyarbekir informed along these lines. I will approve instruction for Vali with the Minister of the Interior.

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