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Source: DE/PA-AA/R14090
Central register: 1916-A-04953
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Departure of telegram: 02/22/1916
Arrival of telegram: 02/22/1916 05:55 PM
Date of entry in central register: 02/23/1916 a.m.
Embassy/consular serial number: Nr, 68
Translated by: (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/23/2012

From the Ambassador in Washington (Bernstorff) to the Foreign Office

Telegraphic Report

Washington, den 22. Februar 1916

Following note received from Secretary of State:

„Referring to your note of October eight enclosing copy of a memorandum handed to the Turkish Government by the German Ambassador .....1 August ninth protesting against expulsion of Armenians: The United States Government is still receiving detailed accounts of the continued suffering accompanying and resulting from systematic expulsion of Armenians from homes and from other mistreatment suffered. The information comes largely from reliable private sources and individuals of different nations and indicates, that the promise, you say, the Turkish Government had made, that it would take measures necessary, to prevent repetition of excesses against Armenians has not been fulfilled. Being greatly in doubt, as to whether I am longer justified in keeping from American people the terrible facts in my possession, I have instructed American Chargé d'Affaires again earnestly to appeal to the sense of justice and to the humanity of the Turkish Government and to urge prompt action to redress injuries inflicted upon the Armenians and adoption of measures to ameliorate condition of surviving Armenians in future. My decision, as so what, if any, statement on this subject should be made to American people, will depend largely upon the action, which the Turkish Government takes upon the new appeal by the American Chargé d'Affaires. As the notes mentioned above, both indicate, that the German Government shares with the Unites States Government its indignation at the Turkish Government conduct against Armenians and its desire, to secure amelioration of the existing conditions, I have thought it proper, to communicate to you substance of the instructions cabled to the American Chargé d'Affaires at Constantinople, in the hope, that the German Government may see fit to exercise once more its influence with the Turkish Government in the present effort, to end Armenian tragedy ....2"

[Count Bernstorff]

1 Group cannot be deciphered
2 Group cannot be deciphered

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