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Source: DK/RA-UM/Gruppeordnede sager 1909-1945. 139. D. 1, ”Tyrkiet - Indre Forhold”. Pakke 1, til 31 Dec. 1916
Edition: Danish diplomatic sources
Departure of telegram: 05/06/1916
Arrival of telegram: 05/09/1916 03:30 AM
Embassy/consular serial number: Nr. 37
Translated by: Matthias Bjørnlund
Last updated: 03/23/2012

The minister at Constantinople (Carl Ellis Wandel) to the Foreign Minister (Erik Scavenius)

Coded telegram

Nr. 37
Coded Telegram from the Royal Legation in Constantinople, 6 May 1916.

Crisis. The Minister of Justice [Ibrahim Pasha]handed in his resignation yesterday morning, and it is being reported that Sheikh-ul-Islam [Hayri/Hairi Effendi]has done likewise this morning, seemingly because the government wants to abolish the religious courts and immediately carry into effect the judicial reform, the realization of which Germany is likely to demand as a precondition for the ratification of the four Treaties. The government wants to use the opportunity now during the war and the state of siege to force through the reform and gain Germany's recognition of the abrogation of the Capitulations, while the moderates want to introduce it gradually.

Wandel ex 37.

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