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Source: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/174
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Embassy/consular serial number:
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/23/2012

From the Embassy in Constantinople to the Treasurer of the American Board of Commmissioners for Foreign Missions in Constantinople (Luther R. Fowle)


Pera, 5 June 1917
1) d’Alep 1er Juin.

Le Bible House est prié de vouloir bien faire le nécessaire, afin que la somme de 3000 livre turques envoyée le 15 mai au nom de la sœur Rohner soit versée à Mr. Zollinger;

2) Prière de donner quelques renseignements sur la situation actuelle de l’orphelinat de Sivas lequel était jusqu’à dernièrement dirigé par la mission Arméricaine à Sivas.

[Order by Mordtmann]

address on cover: Mr. L. Fowle American Bible House Stambul.
to send out on letter without head, formless cover, without signature.

[Note by Mordtmann]

(After speaking to Mr. Fowle today)

1) The Bible House wishes to be orientated through Mr. Zollinger, who now controls the relief aid in Aleppo after Sister Rohner retired, because it depends on this whether or not and to what extent American funds can be made available for this. Dr. Merril or Martin from the American College in Aintab could possibly be directed to Aleppo for this.

2) Furthermore, it would be important for the continuation of this work that we keep in touch with Mr. Peet. However, this would only be possible if our correspondence with him could be transmitted by a military courier, but Mr. Fowle does not believe that the Swedish or the Dutch Legation maintains such a military courier service.

3) The question of how American funds can be brought here has not been solved satisfactorily.

I believe that, similar to what is happening in Belgium, we should support this American operation

1) for purely humane reasons;

2) in order to prevent German charity from being unduly exploited by the German friends of the Armenians, and larger amounts of German funds from wandering abroad that could be applied more usefully at home;

3) out of political consideration, in order to leave the odium against the Turks to the Americans.

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