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Quelle: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/174
Botschaftsjournal: A4a/1917/1399
Erste Internetveröffentlichung: 2000 März
Edition: Genozid 1915/16
Zustand: A
Letzte Änderung: 03/23/2012

Der Schatzmeister des American Board of Commmissioners for Foreign Missions in Konstantinopel (Luther R. Fowle) an den deutschen Generalkonsul in Konstantinopel (Mordtmann)


Bible House, May 12, 1917

My dear Mr. Mordtmann,

Before leaving for Europe, Mr. Peet told me of his conversation with you, and of your willingness to help us in the matter of carrying on Relief to the poor in the Aleppo District, through our German friends there, Miss Rohner and Miss Schaeffer.

I should be very glad of an opportunity to talk over this matter with you, now that I am attempting to carry on Mr. Peet's work. If convenient for you, could I call at your home some time soon to see you. I live near Tokatlian's Hotel, and so could come in some evening, if that would be more convenient for you than during the day time.

Trusting that you will be able to see me on this matter, Believe me,

Very truly yours,
L. R. Fowle

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