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Source: DE/PA-AA/R14086
Central register: 1915-A-19697
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Date of entry in central register: 06/23/1915 a.m.
Embassy/consular serial number:
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/23/2012

From Johannes Lepsius to the Legation Councillor in the German Foreign Office, Rosenberg

Privat Correspondence

Potsdam, 22 June 1915

Avenues are open to negotiate with the leaders of the Russian Armenians in order to obtain compensations from them for suspending the measures against the Turkish Armenians. The following suggestions are considered to be executable. In return for the release of the approx. 120 arrested Armenian leaders and intellectuals and the waiver of further deportations, the Russian Armenians will cease operations in the Van area and separate their cause from Russia's cause.

There is a danger that the Bitlis and Mush area will also be occupied by Russian Armenians with Russian assistance. (Urmia and Sautshbulak were captured by the Russians in the middle of May.) The Armenians from the Van area are basically prepared to separate their cause from that of the Russians as they prefer Turkish sovereignty to Russian. They are not fighting for the Russians, but rather for their countrymen's safety against Kurdish attacks. I was assured that the leaders of the Russian Armenians share these views and can be won over to German-Turkish interests in future.

The prerequisite for the success of all negotiations is that judgments to execute Armenian leaders and intellectuals must cease.

I would like to note that it might be recommendable to telegraph these suggestions to Constantinople.


[From Zimmermann to Pera (No. 1209), 23 June]

Dr. Lepsius believes that in return for the release of the approx. 120 arrested Armenian leaders and intellectuals and the waiver of further deportations, the Russian Armenians will cease operations in the Van area and separate themselves from Russia. He claims to know the course leading to negotiations with the leaders of the Russian Armenians.

[Note by Mordtmann, 24 June]

On occasion, I will make use of the contents, should Dr. L. not come here at some foreseeable time, but at the present stage of the question I consider it unlikely that the Porte will pay any attention to the suggestion.

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