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Source: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/98
Embassy register: 10-12/1916/11790
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Embassy/consular serial number:
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 06/16/2017

From the Embassy Constantinople to the Consulate Mosul

Telegraphic Directive

No 102
Constantinople, 31 December 1915
Please determine whether Stepan Tschiradjian from Diyarbekir is the representative for Arghana Maden there and what is known of his whereabouts, respectively. Telegraphic report.

[Note by Mordtmann]

At the request of Mr. Krumbholz, dragoman at the Austrian-Hungarian Embassy; this is a close relative of Dr. Lazar; transmitted here by the Imperial Consulate General.

[From the Consulate in Mosul (Holstein) to the Embassy in Constantinople (No.1),

10 January1916]

Answer to Telegr. No. 102.

Until today, of those Armenians banned at that time from Diyarbekir to here, none of them have reached Mosul. As I was informed at the time by the local Vali, none of the Armenians from Diyarbekir stayed alive. Nothing is known here of Stepan Tschiradjian's fate.

[Note by Mordtmann 12.1]
Ref. Voigt ist informed.

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