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Source: DK/RA-UM/Gruppeordnede sager 1909-1945. 139. D. 1,
”Tyrkiet - Indre Forhold”. Pakke 1, til 31 dec. 1916

Edition: Danish diplomatic sources
Departure of telegram: 11/24/1913
Arrival of telegram: 11/27/1913
Embassy/consular serial number: No. 33
Translated by: Matthias Bjørnlund
Last updated: 03/23/2012

Legation in Saint Petersburg (Harald Scavenius) to the Foreign Minister (Eric Scavenius)


St. Petersburg: 24 November 1913. No. XXXIII [33].

Mister Minister,
As the Minister is aware of, Russia and Germany agreed a few weeks ago to jointly advice Turkey to introduce reforms in Anatolia. In accordance with this agreement the said Powers directed a proposal to Turkey which, according to what the Turkish ambassador here [Fahreddin/Fahrettin Bey] has informed me, largely consists of the following: Turkey asks the Great Powers to appoint two European advisors, one for each of the Anatolian governors. The governors, together with the advisors, hire and fire all officials. The governors and the advisors have to be in agreement in all matters concerning governance [or: regarding all governmental measures]. If disagreement arises the matter can be deferred to the Porte, and, in case the advisors are not satisfied with the decision, to the Great Powers.

Turkey is supposedly willing to appoint advisors, but is firmly against accepting the remainder of the proposal. The ambassador stated, however, that Mister Sazonow [Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Sazonov] is still strongly insisting that the proposal be accepted and has at the moment only shown
himself to be willing to negotiate questions of minor importance.

With the highest esteem [I remain] Mister Minister's faithful

(sign.) Harald Scavenius

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