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Source: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/169
Embassy register: A53a/1915/4354
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Embassy/consular serial number: No. 20
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/23/2012

From the Administrator in Erzurum (Scheubner-Richter) to the Ambassador in Constantinople (Wangenheim)


Erzurum, 9 July 1915

Secret Report. No. 20 [Note by the embassy: Very secret.]

Further to my Report No. 19 and in order to orient Your Excellency, I permit myself to respectfully report the following on the local conditions:

In the matter concerning Solighian and Elfasian, the brusque action on the part of the local authorities is, in my opinion, particularly the work of Chlusi Bey, the Chief of Police.

Since his return to Erzurum - he was in Terdshan and Erzindjan for approx. 5 months - an unfortunate feature has entered the method of deportation here.

Generally, the opinion continues to exist, i.e. in Turkish and Armenian circles, and my information has confirmed this, that he is the main culprit behind the unfortunate massacres near Terdshan, etc.

In addition, according to information from Turkish sources, a committee has been formed here which consists of

Chlusi Bey, [Note by the embassy: Halussi.] Chief of Police
Seyfullah Effendi, Deputy from Erzurum
Beyadin [Note by the embassy: Behaeddin.] Sehakir, gang leader
Mürdar [Note by the embassy: Muhurdar.] Zadé Achmed
Jounos Chinasi,

and to which perhaps

Hilmi, Chairman of the local department of the “Union & Progress” Committee, could also be added.

This committee carries on a disastrous alternative government and often thwarts the government’s perhaps well-meant intentions, such as for example regarding the resettlement of the Armenians. The brusque measures used here and the massacres are no doubt due to the activity of these committee members, whose influence appears to be quite great.

The first two gentlemen named do not stop at even the lowest blackmail.


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