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Source: DE/PA-AA/R14093
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Embassy/consular serial number: No. 611
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/23/2012

From the Undersecretary of State in the German Foreign Office (Zimmermann) to the Minister in Bern (Romberg)


No. 611
Berlin, 8 October 1916
Dr. Paul Rohrbach presented me with a letter [The letter is an enclosure to Doc. 1916-09-29-DE-001]. , a transcript of which is enclosed, that was recently written to him by several Swiss friends of the Armenians. I would ask that you, reply to one of the gentlemen – perhaps it would be best to address the president of the Swiss relief organisation, Dr. W. Vischer – requesting him to inform the other signatories accordingly, and inform him orally and in strict confidence of the following:

In full appreciation of the motives determining the request of the Swiss friends of the Armenians, the Imperial Government regrets that it is not in a position to support the needy Armenian refugees with funds from the Reich. The Turkish government would regard this as an interference in the inner relations of the country and refuse to give the relief action its approval. Intervention by the German government would in no way serve to assist the Armenians; rather, it would hurt them. Several times last year, through the intercession of the Imperial Consul in Aleppo, the German Foreign Office already unofficially supplied the needy Armenians in the area around there with not insignificant amounts of money provided by private people. At present, a collection is being carried out in Germany once again in favour of the Armenians, which is unofficially sponsored by the Imperial Government; the proceeds will also be sent through the intercession of the appropriate Imperial representations through suitable channels to achieve their purpose. The German Foreign Office is more than willing to accept Swiss contributions within the framework of this unofficial relief action. However, the precondition for the implementation and success of this action is that it not become public knowledge, as otherwise the Imperial Government would have to deny its co-operation for the reasons already given.

I request that you report on the execution of this order and the reaction of the Swiss gentlemen to our answer.


P.S.: Professor Jäckh has agreed to regard the letter to Dr. Rohrbach as having been officially presented to the German Foreign Office and will inform Dr. R. accordingly that the German Foreign Office will answer the petitioners directly.

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